MRP: ₹75.00
Best Remedy for cough, cold & infections of the respiratory tract.
CATEGORY: Ayurvedic Capsules
“COMPOSITION: Adhatoda Vasica (Bansa) 200mg.,Ephedra Geraduana (Somlata) 100 mg.,Cordia Dichotoma(Lassoria) 75 mg., Menthol (Sat Pidina) 100 mg.,Piper Longum (Pippali) 100 mg.,Solanum Surattense (Kantkari) 100mg.,Ocimum Sanctum (Tulsi) 50 mg. Glycyrrhyza Glabra (Muleathi) 50 mg.,Zingiber Officinate (Saunth) 100 mg.,Viola odorate (Banfsha) 50 mg.,Onosma Bracteatum (Gazban) 20 mg., Piper Nigrum (Kali mirch) 10 mg.,Honey (Sudh Madhu) 250 mg.,Sugar q.s.
DOSAGE: Adults: 10 ml. twice a day with warm water in a day or as directed by the physician.”